Hildegardis Verein
Financial support for female students during the final exam period
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© Kerkezz - Depositphotos.comUniversity students can apply to suspend their studies for up to two semesters if they are expecting a child or during the early years with their child. Fachhochschule students can apply for even longer suspensions. Whilst their studies are suspended, students are not eligible to receive BaföG student loans. Because this suspension period is not considered part of the degree programme, the period for which a student is eligible for BaföG student loans is extended accordingly. Students who are able to work but have no other income can apply for ALG II and Sozialgeld for the suspension period, and may also be entitled to additional pregnancy or single parent benefits. It is also possible to apply for Sozialgeld without suspending your studies, as this benefit is treated as a benefit for the child.
The BaföG student loan rate is not increased for students who are pregnant or have children. Even if they do not suspend their studies, students can still apply to extend their period of eligibility for BaföG student loans on the grounds that they are caring for and raising their child.
It is also a good idea to apply for Wohngeld (housing benefit) for the child.
Students who are pregnant may be able to obtain financial support in the form of an AStA loan or funds from an appropriate foundation (e.g. Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind). The Hildegardis Verein and Madame Courage offer financial support for student single parents. Information on these organisations is given below.
Information on Elterngeld (parental allowance), Kindergeld (child benefit) and maintenance payments can be found in the preceding sections of this brochure.
You can view online brochures on studying for a degree with a child.
Detailed information on all of the above topics and others can be obtained from:
Gleichstellungsbüro der WWU
Georgskommende 26
48143 Münster
Tel: 02 51 / 83 - 2 97 08
Fax: 02 51 / 83 - 2 97 00
Internet: www.uni-muenster.de/gleichstellung
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Fachhochschule Münster
FH-Familienservice der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten
Postal adress:
Hüfferstr. 27, Raum D 3.08
48149 Münster
Advice center:
Johann-Krane-Weg 25
48149 Münster
Tel: 02 51 / 83 - 6 49 63
Fax: 02 51 / 83 - 6 49 57
Internet: www.fh-muenster.de/familie
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Financial support for female students during the final exam period
Madame Courage is a fundraising project which supports single parent students during the exam period. Where specific conditions are met, the project is able to provide financial assistance to help with living costs. Its goal is to enable single parents to complete their degrees, and thus help single mothers and fathers and their children towards a life of their choosing in which they are not dependent on state benefits.
Our advisors offer comprehensive information for students at all higher education institutions, including in particular international students, students who are pregnant, single parents and student couples with children.