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MuM - Mehrgenerationenhaus und Mütterzentrum Münster e.V., Gievenbeck


All types of families and all generations meet at our public neighbourhood get-togethers (childcare available) for public courses or events or just for a bit of free time.

Neighbourhood café with childcare:

MuM-Café, Stadtteiltreff Gescherweg 87, Gievenbeck
Monday & Wednesday - Friday, 9 am – 12 noon
Wednesday & Thursday             3 pm – 6 pm
Saturday and Sunday special events

Our services:

 Advice and information

  • on questions about living with children
  • on returning to work
  • on looking after elderly relatives
  • native-speaker support with everyday activities, filling in forms, visiting the doctor, visiting government agencies

Setting up and supporting self-help groups
Public events for all generations


  • Single parent‘s meeting
    At our single parenting club you can meet with other single parents over coffee and cake, exchange ideas, make new contacts and find an open ear for everyday worries. In addition, we want to collect and develop ideas with you on how we can further develop the offer for single parents in the Gievenbeck district.
  • flexible childcare during opening hours
  • we work together with lots of childminders



MuM e.V., Mehrgenerationenhaus und Mütterzentrum e.V.
Gescherweg 87
48161 Münster

Contact person: Karen Paterson

Office hours:
Mon - Fri        9 am – 12 pm,
Wed - Fri         3 – 5 pm
Telefon:        0251/13348799

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.