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Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V. Münster - pregnancy counselling service

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Pregnancy changes everything – the way you think; the way you feel; your whole life. We won't leave you alone with this.

  • We offer advice, assistance and support during pregnancy and after the birth.
  • We give information on statutory benefits and other services.
  • We support you in asserting your legal rights.
  • We provide financial and material assistance and get you in contact with other advisory services and institutions.
  • We offer sex education and sex education projects, including advice on contraception and family planning.
  • We offer support after miscarriage or stillbirth.
  • We can offer advice – if required anonymously – on confidential birth.
  • We also offer online counselling.

We provide advice free of charge to women, men, couples and families irrespective of their marital status, nationality or religious denomination. We advise on questions relating to pregnancy, birth, and after birth until your child is three years old.

Appointments by arrangement.

Walk-in session: Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday in the Caritas vor Ort Beratungsstelle, Idenbrockplatz 8, 48159 Münster



Schwangerschaftsberatung (pregnancy counselling service)
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e. V. Münster
Wolbecker Str. 16a
48155 Münster

Phone   0251-133223-0 (office)
Fax.   0251-133223-12

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.